Sunday, January 23, 2011

And the rest… {100 Strangers in Portland}

Devan posted her pictures from yesterday a little while ago, and here’s my share. 

If you’ve arrived at this blog because we photographed you, thank you for being willing to participate in our project! If you’d like a high resolution copy of the picture, just let us know. You can email me at or Devan at

The Experience

We started off early in Lake Oswego, entirely by accident after missing an exit.

Initially, we had everyone hold a number and tried to take few pictures, later asking their first name, where they were from and their occupation. As the day went on and we photographed more people, it became more of a challenge. So, eventually I gave up writing information on the cards. Devan kept it up though, which is great. (At some point, we might update these pictures with the subject’s information, because there was some really interesting occupations in there!)

After a slow start downtown, my friend Coralie joined us and took us to Hawthorne. We found quite a variety of people there.

I was impressed by the number of people that were willing to have their portrait taken. But, there were a few that refused, some nicely and some more firmly. I must confess that every time someone said no, I felt rather foolish for starting the project and wanted to just give up, especially during the second half of the day. I gradually lost enthusiasm. It was only with Coralie’s help (approaching people and explaining what we were doing) that we were able to reach our goal.

We heard a variety of comments regarding our endeavor – ranging from ‘what a neat idea’ to ‘what’s this for exactly?’ There was also quite a bit of nervous laughter and raised eyebrows.

In the end, I’m glad Devan and I decided to do this. It’s helped me to realize that the worst thing that can happen is that someone says ‘no’ (and maybe thinks you’re a bit crazy). But, the pictures that I ended up with…. Well, I wouldn’t trade all these pictures for any nervousness or awkwardness I may have felt while taking them.

The Photos


Above: Our first willing participants.


Above: When we explained what we were doing, this sweet gal said: “You can take my picture!”


Above: He asked us if we had heard of The Sartorialist. Awesome.

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Above: The suspenders, the shoes, the jeans, the attitude! It all works. We didn’t even ask him to pose. He just went WABAM! and gave us this.

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Above: Devan, giving another participant our card after photographing her.

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Above: We spotted this photographer moving his tripod into the street when the traffic had cleared. I wish we had asked him what he was doing.

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 Above: The gal in this picture was carrying her own camera, so I figured they wouldn’t mind a brief pic. I love that this unexpected moment (on the right) was captured. After this, I took a picture of them with her camera too. Nice people.


Above: The obligatory feet picture.


Above: I must confess, I love this picture… mainly because it looks like the statue is totally checking these guys out. I mean no disrespect former mayor!

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Above: I saw this gal (on the left) several times before we finally walked by where she was sitting. Love those sunglasses! And I love the mural that was painted on the side of one of the buildings. I stood in the way of traffic (accidentally), before Devan saved my life. :)

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Yay! We made it to 100! What an awesome day.
